Sunday, September 25, 2016


The brain is still kicking!  Called in at midnight for a case, finally got the patient at almost 2am, wheezy and tachy, so I call the anesthesiologist for orders and ask DuoNeb, Albuterol, or Xopenex, and she says "Xopenex, because that’s the one that doesn’t cause tachycardia right?"  I said "yes because it’s Lev-albuterol, it’s an Enantiomer of the regular albuterol", and she goes "wow! I'm impressed!", I just chuckle and reply "Yep, big words and everything at 2am!".  Oddly enough I feel like an Enantiomer of myself from 2 years ago: a stereoisomer that is a non-superimposable mirror image – I'm still me, the nerdy critical care nurse who is passionate about animals, coffee, good music, dry humor and fall weather, but I am not the person I saw in the mirror 2 years ago – I'm not grouchy, tired all the time, arguing with my husband, depressed, and sleepy. Albeit being buried up to my eyeballs in schoolwork, I manage to sneak in some fun in my free time, spending quality time with friend and family, I do crafts, I bake, I go outside. I feel appreciated at work, I feel like I contribute to quality patient care, I feel like I actually matter and make a difference. I can definitely handle 11 more months of school until I graduate with my AG-ACNP. Hard to believe it's almost been 2 years of school already; I am not only smarter academically, but also smarter as a healthcare provider, smarter as an adult, more mature, knowing a little bit more about which fights to pick and which to ignore.

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