Tuesday, October 7, 2014

They forgot my birthday!

This may seem trivial, and I probably shouldn't let it bother me so much but I can't help it: it's day 3 (I guess, business day 2) of Emergency Nurses Week and so far we've received ONE half-hearted e-mail with cheesy stock photos from the Nurse Educator (read Non-Clinical Nurse Nazi)...  Not a word from our director, our manager, the administration of the hospital, other departments, or the other EDs in the health system.  Again, I probably shouldn't let it bother me so, but it still sucks.  I hear from 10 different people when I fail to submit my TPS reports, but I can't get a goddamn sincere "Thank You" one fucking time in a year?!  This is a nationwide week of recognition, and quite frankly I'm not accepting any excuses.  Tonight I'm going to work & I'm going to keep my head up high and proud, like the expert emergency medicine professional that I am.

Never mind the fact that I just spent 3 hours looking for other jobs.

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