Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cross your "t"s and dot your "i"s

I actually feel like my eyes are crossed now... Sent and re-sent my application for Walden University multiples times (4, 5? I've lost count), all times getting daily phone calls from the mysterious Admissions Recruiter who first told me to elaborate regarding my work experience (and this conversation required 10 days of phone tag), then told me my addendum page elaborating my work experience was unacceptable and that I have to fit it all on the application page (thank goodness for editable PDFs).  Sorry for the run-on sentence but this is extremely frustrating!  Out of frustration I looked up Walden on and quite a few posts question it's validity and discuss whether or it it's just a diploma mill.  Currently it's between Walden & Drexel for the AGACNP track.  Walden is 100% online, starts December 1st, but seems not very reputable.  Drexel is all online except for 3 required campus visits for "clinical lab", starts next fall, but also is a much more reputable school.  We'll see what happens, I still need to submit a potential clinical sites selection form for Walden & then I'll have an admission decision.

At the same time, my disgruntled, burned-out self is questioning if I should even pursue an NP track, or get out of nursing all-together.  My blindly hopeful & optimistic self is making plans about how I can do house-calls to retirement communities for physician groups, work in ICUs as a Critical Care NP, work as a nurse consultant (see previous post about pimping myself out), or any other healthcare career tracks.

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