Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mental Health Professionals for the Professionals

On my 3rd attempt I was finally able to navigate the automated menu for the head shrinker office I was referred to (I can't imagine someone calling in who was upset, mentally unstable, or not cognitively intact) and made my appointment for August 7th.  I'm patiently waiting and not throwing a fit or questioning the staff about what's taking so long; I understand there are others, perhaps sicker than me, that need to be seen sooner.  I am undeniable curious to see how effectively someone can shrink my head though.  Nurses (as well as doctors, paramedics, techs, etc.) are notoriously hard to shrink, especially those that work in the ER, because we know exactly what not to say.  I know that even the slightest hint at a suicidal ideation will yield me a 24-hour vacation, and quite frankly, I've got stuff to do!  I know that any indication that I use alcohol to help me "relax" after a long day or pills to help me sleep (once or twice a year I take Benadryl when my mosquito bite itching gets out of control) they will deem me unfit for nursing practice and cart me away to rehab.  Luckily, I don't experience suicidal ideations or use drugs & alcohol to cope, I'm one of those cheesy, sunshine & unicorns type of people that can go to the gym to let loose, sit down & read Facebook or a couple of blogs to decompress, and then do some arts & crafts in my spare time to distract myself.  I can't imagine what it's like to shrink other professionals that know exactly what they need to say.

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