Saturday, July 6, 2013

Duty to Report

Got my notice in the mail to renew my state nursing license, with the usual reminder letter about a duty to report (seems like it's mandatory to report everything from child & elder abuse/neglect to rare & exotic new diseases to fraud to dangerous co-workers).  The last paragraph got me thinking: "Duty to report unsafe working practices", which mainly seems to pertain to reporting other healthcare providers (individuals) that are, for example, intoxicated at work or are performing jobs outside their scope of practice.  What about reporting corporations/organizations?  How do we as nurses complain to an authority about unsafe working conditions?  And I don't mean the time when the patient calls you a "fucking whore" for not giving him Dilaudid and tosses a urinal at you, no that's easy to remedy.  I mean the times when you have 3 intubated patients, 2 strokes, 1 non-STEMI and a chest tube in just the critical-care side of the ER, you've asked to go on divert and were denied that request.  How much and how far are nurses expected to stretch themselves?  And having been in the charge nurse shoes, I'm sick and tired of the "Talk to your charge nurse about your concerns" answer, they're only human, just like you, and most nights they already have a patient care assignment, on top of everything else that's going on.  Upper management & shareholders need to come to each unit (dayshift and nightshift) and shadow a nurse for a single, busy shift; and guess what, if the nurse doesn't get a pee break for 12 hours, neither do you, if the nurse doesn't get a drink of water (which sometimes helps during the "no pee breaks" situations) neither do you.  And please don't come to me saying how "well you chose this career" or "you knew what you were getting into".  Yes, yes I did choose this career.  However, it's inhumane to expect a person to work their ass off for 12+ hours without a pee break, snack break, lunch break, ANY break, while tolerating nasty attitudes from patients, family members, visitors, doctors, co-workers and do it all with efficiency  proficiency and a great big smile on their face because benchmarks and patient satisfaction is all that matters.

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