Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fx Pelvis

Giving report to a floor:
Me: "Hi, it's Allie in the ER, I need to give report"
Floor RN: "Okay, go ahead."
Me: "Mmmmkay, I'm sending you a XX y/o F, pelvic Fx.  She's on bedrest, c/o severe pain with any movement; we've put in a foley."
Floor RN: "What's the reason for the foley?"
Me: "Like I said, she broke her pelvis, & any slightest movement causes her severe pain, including getting up on a bedpan (even the fracture pan)."
Floor RN: "Oh, ok."
Me: "Otherwise, she's resting comfortably in bed after some pain meds, has some labs due at midnight & again in AM, otherwise nothing else to do tonight."
Floor RN: "Okay.  Is she ambulatory?"
Me: *facepalm*  "No ma'am, like I've said twice already, she broke her [fucking] pelvis [are you listening to a word of what I've said so far?!], so no I don't believe she's ambulatory at this time."

Cannot make this sh!t up sometimes.  The most painful report I've had to give to date.

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