Saturday, December 25, 2010

"An Accidental Finding"

A gentle, sweet-looking 13 year-old girl comes in with her parents complaining of facial & jaw tenderness, facial droop & slurred speech.  The back of my mind is flashing the warning sign, "STROKE"!, but common clinical sense tells me it's obviously not, another quick glance by the ER physician & she's diagnosed with Bell's Palsy (a muscle disorder), an uncomfortable but non-life-threatening condition, before she's even triaged.  Except for being a little nervous & uncomfortable, the child is fine with stable vitals and no other history.  Blood-work is done & she's scheduled for a head CT as a routine protocol.  The ER is surprisingly busy for Christmas Eve - shouldn't these kids be home opening presents??  Why is an abdominal pain for the last 2 weeks suddenly an emergency tonight?  The radiologist calls the ER doc with the CT results & suddenly everyone else's complaints are miniscule - "8mm mass in the Pituitary, suspicious for a macroadenoma".  Merry Christmas.